Siince the retirement of newgrounds's greatest spammer: thespammer, in which he left spammausaurus rex as his only succesor. teh-spam-king is spam angry, and spammausaurus rexis making an "army of spammers to attack every submissions and blogs with spams in his name
The hostilitys have already started with them spamming each others blogs so I sense that, in a near future, teh-spam-king is going to raise is own army of spammers wich is going to start officialy some sort of spam wars where there's going to hve spamming all over NG in a scale never before seen in all of NG history
I don't want to make you panic but you should prepare yourself for a spam-bloodbath where evry submission and blogs are spammed to make it as to mark their territory, to prove to each other that they are the gratest spammer that ever spamed in NG
(even though that this title goes rightfully to thespammer)
uh its not just his blogs me and my crew PM spammed him:)