THIS IS A SUPER WARNING: since tanksgiving many WAR-involved accounts were hacked and are still hacked by a mysterious (really gayish) guy who, somehow, hacked into these said accouts wich led to the deletion of certain of these accounts and those , still active, accounts will may be deleted.
Who is the author of this horrific "attack"? Obviously he(or she) won't give its iddentity.
On other news the-spammer(not thespammer) IS BACK (I'll add him at the suspect list wich includes teh-spam-king)
this is A TURNAROUND FOR THE SPAM WAR maybe every spammer shall get hacked into deletion marking the end of the SPAM WAR.
BUT BEFORE YOU GET Hacked I invite every spammer to search for this ASSHOLE and spam him into suppression,until he can't take it anymore I ask you that because these actions are intolerable and have to be punished >=(
(I mean,getting your account,something you worked for to make it "respectable" ,hacked to deletion is monstruous, its horrific this is unnacceptable....FIND HIM)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edit!!: i have a confirmation that the-spammer(not thespammer)was not, I rewrite, NOT involved in the hacking attacks so I want to say to the-spammer that I AM SORRY...(really I am)
i am in the sucpect list? come on man i dotn know how to hack i was leaving and then thespammer said to me spamosaurusrex was hacked he says who hacked it in his alt account
RPGShadow (Updated )
so you mare saying to me that you have nothing to do on this .....wait a minute...
HERE DONE...i was just going with the informations that i had and my gutsty intuitions...if only there were more spammers that would give me inside info about the WAR