YAAAAAAAY THE SPAMMERS WINS THE BATTLE...BUT NOT THE WAR: spamasaurus rex, kirbydansengirl, threya and josef-fritzl were victims of hacking, but only spamasaurus and threya survived this cowardly attack orchestrated by the hacker. How did they do it?
For threya, I don't know
And for spamasaurus rex, not sure. from what I could gather he had "friends at high places:)" and sweared revenge at mheirmeiser(the hacker).
so Who his this mheirmeiser(that asshole!)?
NOW FOR THE RE-DEPARTURE OF THESPAMMER: thespammer is taking a spam-free vacation, but will still continue to respond the comments on his blog.
in this WAR not everything is spam and random stuff, we also have the real victims so we shall have a moment of silence for those who have fallen to the hackers: kirbydansengirl, josef-fritzl and the many anonymous ones.... :,(
[moment of silence]
well furrysowhat and another member whos name i must keep anonymous were hacked...kudos to treyha for letting me borrow his account ^^